Tuesday 29 March 2016


Cape Town is busy experiencing what I think is the most incredible time of year - Autumn. I haven't been posting a lot of late, simply because I've had no time, and haven't really felt inspired to write about anything in particular. Then, I went for a walk in a forest yesterday, and was truly awe-struck by all the trees, and how they are changing with the season. I picked up as many from the floor as I possibly could - pine needles, leaves and a couple pieces of bark. I currently sit at my desk writing next to a big book filled with newly pressed leaves.

I read something the other day, that went something along the lines of; Autumn is the time of year that we are reminded that change can be beautiful. I think that really sums up what Autumn is, and it also brings up the whole idea of us as human beings and our difficulty to go out of our comfort zone and to change. I've gone through a lot of change recently - the biggest one being that my sister and I don't go to the same school anymore. It sounds stupid, but I really did find it hard at first - not having her in the car on the way to school sometimes, and also no longer being able to make each others' days by bumping into each other and exchanging a few words. I found it really difficult at first, and felt a bit like I was doing this alone now. But, three months down the line, I'm starting to adjust and don't feel the same at all.

The change has, surprisingly, been very good. We're still just as close, and we have so many new and exciting things to talk about. I guess my point is that, change always seems really hard at first, and pointless, but it actually often pans out a lot differently than you think and this is often for the better. I'm not saying that there's no change for the worst - that happens too, but both kinds are inevitable, fortunately and unfortunately, and we just have to embrace the results and apply it positively to ourselves. For me, Autumn has always been a time where new opportunities seem possible, and everything seems fresh and new. It seems like the perfect time to change as people in sync with the changing of the colour of leaves.

I don't usually get very deep when I write, but it's been on my mind a lot, and this is a place that I know is always open to my thoughts. I hope you are all having a lovely week - it's good to be back writing, and if you're also experiencing change, I hope this helps a little, and brightens your day a bit, and helps you to accept change and make it beautiful.

Simona xx

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