Sunday 30 March 2014

March - Autumn Is Here!

Oh These Rainy Days...

Tracksuit Pants - Cotton On
Socks - Topshop UK
- The Fault In Our Stars -

A Review for The Fault In Our Stars:
After reading half of the book, I felt extremely depressed and upset and could not stop thinking about how unfair life is, and what life actually is, and stuff like that. At one point I was actually thinking about not finishing the book because it was so sad, but then I decided to continue and read to the end.

So I did finish it, and I must tell you that this book is not for someone who doesn't like sad books, but if you like good books, you should be running to your nearest bookstore. It sounds pretty cliched, but this book has really made me think about sickness, death and love in an entirely different way. It made Cancer seem less like a distant problem, but more like something that could happen to anyone, but not exactly in a negative way. I guess what I mean is that this book made Cancer seem more real and human, which is easier to think about and worry about.

John Green is a literary genius. The Fault In Our Stars may be sad and depressing, but it is real and raw, and by far the best book I have ever read. So do yourself a favour, and read the love story of Hazel Grace Lancaster and Augustus Waters, and go through their pain and experiences as cancer victims. I promise you, this book will change you, and make you feel privileged to be alive and healthy.

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